Securing the right level of business protection can seem a laborious task, whatever industry you are in, whether you are just setting up your own business or have been running a business for some time. In any case, it is essential that you are properly insured as your personal circumstances or those of your business may change at any time.
Whilst commercial insurance can be complex, it is important to protect the financial wellbeing of both your employees and family in the best possible way. There are multiple products available which offer protection against business loans, against loss of profit in the event of employee death, or offer life insurance products for directors and employees as well as business succession planning.
At Willow Private Finance, we specialise in commercial insurance and can advise on all aspects of business protection. We can simplify the process and guide you on what your business needs, highlighting the areas of priority. We can then arrange the appropriate level of cover from our large range of insurers at competitive prices. Our busy commercial clients particularly value the level of service we deliver, which saves them time and gives them peace of mind.
We are able to offer advice on the following types of business protection: